019 is an artist collective that develops in-between spaces for intuitive experimentation, collaboration and encounter between architecture, graphic design and visual arts. In our transdisciplinary practice we develop new ways of exhibiting in artistic and non-artistic spaces and invite artists to explore and make visible the potential of these spaces.
The community around 019 consists of several layers with diverse commitments: fixed positions that carry out day-to-day tasks, freelance positions in the core collective and in different projects, a dynamic group of interns and volunteers... With this call for a temporary position, we are seeking someone to join the core collective that shares the role of artistic director. This position is part of an evolving structure that we continue to shape collectively.
In the course of 2025, next to projects on location and following the recent restructuring of our building, we will launch a program aimed at activating our space in the Old Docks with exhibitions, interventions, performances, fairs and more. With this vacancy we are welcoming new networks and innovative perspectives: in the program for our space, in a novel approach to our platforms with rolling programs or in unforeseen directions.
Participate in a monthly meeting in our headquarters and in the ongoing conversation on our Slack channels, where, together with 9 members of the collective, you share the role of artistic director.
Co-design and (in part) co-produce the artistic program, integrating exhibitions, performances, fairs and more into the 019 calendar.
Collaborate closely with the 019 collective to ensure your program and ideas enhance our shared vision and principles.
Develop projects that engage our spaces and neighborhood, testing and previewing ideas that could shape 019’s future presence in the Old Docks.
As a freelance member of the collective, we expect you to be involved in the overarching vision and more operationally involved with specific projects. This will depend on your interests, availability, and the dynamics of the collective. A clearer framework will take shape after the selection process.
You’re based in Ghent or can easily access the city for regular meetings (very important).
You have an active artistic practice and/or experience in curating or programming exhibitions, performances, residencies, or related projects within the arts. Architecture, graphic design and visual arts are our main disciplines, but we are open to propositions from other fields.
You are inspired by the idea of connecting 019 with its neighborhood and the city surrounding it.
You enjoy working collaboratively in a collective environment.
You’re fluent in English and/or Dutch.
A temporary freelance position of one year.
An international network of artists and organizations in and around our collective.
Time commitment: approx. 12-18 hours a month (this is a rough estimation based on some current members and will depend on your availability, etc.). Take into account occasional meetings or events on evenings and weekends.
Compensation in sync with the freelancers in the core collective. 019 adheres to the principles of fair pay.
Starting 1 April 2025 or when available.
Application deadline: Sunday 23 February 2025
To apply, fill in the two questions in this form. Add your curriculum vitae and/or portfolio. Apply in NL or ENG. The core collective will evaluate the applications.
Selected candidates will be invited for a talk with the core collective. This will take place on Thursday 6 March 2025 (16:00-22:00, exact timing tbc). Exact details will follow via email.
For further inquiry: email or call +32 472 86 63 27
Application deadline: Sunday 23 February 2025
To apply, fill in the two questions in this form. Add your curriculum vitae and/or portfolio. Apply in NL or ENG. The core collective will evaluate the applications.
Selected candidates will be invited for a talk with the core collective. This will take place on Thursday 6 March 2025 (16:00-22:00, exact timing tbc). Exact details will follow via email.
For further inquiry: email or call +32 472 86 63 27